Pregled - Zemljišče zazidljivo


17.385,00 m²


Zemljišče, Stavbno

Opis nepremičnine


INVESTICIJSKA PRILOŽNOST! Večje nepozidano zazidljivo-stavbno zemljišče v izmeri 17.385 m2 za turistične namene ob priobalnem pasu na meji med občino Poreč in Funtana ob turističnem resortu Zelena Resort - Zelena Laguna in Plava Laguna. Zemljišče se nahaja 2km od Poreča, 2km od Funtane in 4,5km od Vrsarja ter ob samem vhodu v turistični kompleks v neposredni bližini Aquaparka Poreč, je oddaljeno cca 700m zračne linije od morja. Zemljišče se nahaja na območju za katerega je bil izdelan prostorski akt, urbanistični načrt (2022) ki podrobno opredeljuje namensko rabo in prostorske izvedbene pogoje za to območje. Predmetno zemljišče je namenjeno za turistično dejavnost hotelirstva, hotel z ali brez depadanse s spremljajočimi gostinskimi dejavnostmi oz. aparthotel. Kapaciteta predvidenega hotela je 200 ležišč, etažnost predvidenega objekta je 4 etaže, depandansa 3 etaže.

Urbanistični načrt tudi podrobno opredeljuje in določa navezavo območja na obstoječo infrastrukturo ter predvideno (v prostorskih aktih je predvidena nova povezovalna dostopna cesta do hotela). Preostala linijska infrastruktura pa se nahaja že na parceli in ob parceli.

Zemljišče tvori sklenjen sklop več zemljiških parcel različnih lastnikov. Je ravno in v obliki črke L , daljša stranica meri cca 190m, krajši pa 110m in 75m. V naravi predstavlja zemljišče gozd manj kvalitetnega lesa za katerega je po prostorskem aktu predvidena in dovoljena odstranitev.

Podrobnejši vpogled v tehnično in prostorsko dokumentacijo je možen na našem, sedežu oz. na ogledu zemljišča.

Zemljiškoknjižno stanje nepremičnine je urejeno in brez bremen.

Za informacije in ogled nepremičnine kontaktirati agenta: Marko +386 31 612 000



INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Large building land measuring 17,385 m2 for tourist industry purposes on the coastal strip on the border between the municipalities of Poreč and Funtana, next to the tourist resort Zelena Resort - Plava Laguna. The land is located 2km from Poreč, 2m from Funtana and 4.5km from Vrsar and at the very entrance to the tourist complex in the immediate vicinity of Aquapark Poreč, it is approximately 700m from the sea as the crow flies. The land is located in an area for which a spatial act, an urban plan (2022) was drawn up, which defines in detail the intended use and spatial implementation conditions for this area. The land in question is intended for the tourism activity of the hotel industry, a hotel with or without an annex with accompanying catering activities. The capacity of the planned hotel is 200 beds, the floor plan of the planned building is 4 floors, the annex is 3 floors. The urban plan also defines in detail and determines the connection of the area to the existing and planned infrastructure (a new connecting access road to the hotel is foreseen in the zoning acts). The rest of the line infrastructure is already located on the plot and next to the plot.

The land forms a closed set of several land parcels. It is flat and in the shape of the letter L, the longer side measures approx. 190m, while the shorter side is 110m and 75m. In nature, the land is a forest of low-quality wood, for which removal is foreseen and allowed according to the zoning act.

A more detailed insight into the technical and spatial documentation is possible at our headquarters or on a tour of the land. The land register status of the property is regulated and free of encumbrances.

For information and to view the property, contact the agent: Marko +386 31 612 000,



2.608.000,00 €


17.385,00 m²






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